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Unitarian Universalism
I am a Unitarian Universalist. For some information on what this means,
For those from countries other than the US and
Canada, note that
Unitarian Universalism, while related to
Unitarianism in other countries,
is, unlike most of them, not a Christian denomination - although
it certainly has many Christians (IMO, some very Christian
Christians) within it.
My most fulfilling worship has generally been in the company of other UU
Young Adults (18-35 age range; see
C*UUYAN's web page), or as a part of
my scientific research and
computer work.
Many UUs are, like me, scientists, such as my dissertation advisor,
Dr. Peter Kahn.
Another UU whom it seems appropriate to mention, given that the WWW is
the medium by which we are communicating, is
Tim Berners-Lee,
sometimes called the founder of the World Wide Web.
In the minds of some, being a UU and being left-wing are connected. I
do not believe that this is the case, either historically (UUism was
founded on classical liberalism - this is why it is called a
"liberal religion") or currently (something like 30% of UUs
are Republicans in the US, for instance). For more on this, see my
politics page.
(Neo-)Paganism and Transhumanism
I am both a (neo-)pagan and a (trans)humanist. For more on the former,
see the CUUPS home page; for more
on the latter, see the
transhumantech mailing list,
Anders' Transhumanism Page
(keeping in mind that Anders is not a biologist), the
Extropy Institute,
(by James Hughes - a local
copy is at
and the
Transhumanist UU
Network. (Note that I am not a believer in the
"Singularity" in the transhumanist meaning, incidentally.)
Some might see these as contradictory; obviously, I do not. While I
believe in the divine (which I sometimes see as a pantheistic deity and
sometimes as manifestations such as the Horned God),
I am aware that neither I nor anyone else has any proof that such exists
- or any disproof. Part of my problem with extremism in religion comes
from that people are behaving as if they had proof of their own
viewpoints - or disproofs of those of others - when they do not have
such (or, as in
Creationism, when their
viewpoints are provably false by rational standards). (Note in regard to
Creationism that evolution by natural selection is a fundamental part of
my scientific research. As
Theodosius Dobzhansky (correctly) wrote in his essay of the same title,
"Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution"
(American Biology Teacher Vol 35 March 1973).)
I grew up a Christian - specifically, a (moderate) Southern Baptist.
I still know, and love, many Christians of all varieties, such as my
parents and
other relatives.
(Indeed, part of my hatred of Christian Fundamentalism - and other
varieties of religious fundamentalism, including that which disguises
itself as non-religious or anti-religious (e.g., Communism and Fascism)
- comes from the harm I saw Southern Baptist Fundamentalism do to many
moderate Southern Baptists. These good people followed (and still follow)
Jesus' teachings of love better than any fundamentalist, just as do
UU Christians, just as do many
other Christians. A better-known example of the harm done by religious
fundamentalism happened on 9/11; Christian or other non-Muslim
fundamentalists are, of course, just as likely to perpetuate such evil,
whether through terrorism or through the
political process.) But Christianity
simply doesn't work for me, for a wide variety of reasons.
Other information
Below is a list of some UU organizations and other religious resources.
Please note that I don't by any means agree with everything found at
each of the below links. Moreover, due to personal privacy concerns,
some UU organizations in which I am involved may be left out of the below,
or may be below only when my degree of involvement would suggest they
should be above as well.
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