This is the old version, but gives more information on some areas.
Back to Current Research Page
Research Interests: Evolution, Biochemistry, and Human Genetics (old
This page will be more specific about my research when I am far enough
along to have some results to present publically (including publishing
the software needed for said work - I discuss this further
below). In general terms,
it involves the intersection of (protein) biochemistry/biophysics (e.g.,
protein structure) with evolutionary biology, using a combination of
'wet' lab and computer (e.g., phylogenetic) work.
As I state on my
politics page, I am particularly
insistent on that anyone who writes software for scientific work should
place said software under an
open-source license, and indeed
avoid using software for scientific work (as in under conditions in
which I will be ethically obliged to cite said software's use) that is
not under such a license (when possible - I am not sure as yet whether
I will be practically able to do this completely in my
work). Furthermore, I believe that this should be a requirement for
publications in any legitimate journal or for a publication to be
otherwise considered valid for purposes of tenure, gaining grants,
etcetera. I do not see how a work can be properly peer-reviewed if the
source is not available:
- Are the algorithms claimed to be in use in a publication
actually those in use in the software?
- How can an experiment be repeated by others and the results
confirmed without full publication of methodology?
- How can whether a theory is generally correct, or only correct
in a particular instance, be explored without being able to
modify the methodology used in a experiment for other
circumstances (which again requires the full publication of
said methodology)?
If I am asked to review a paper involving the use of software written
by an author of said paper, and the software is not made available under
an open-source license (or placed in the public domain with the source
code likewise made available and in the public domain), I will make it
plain that I do not consider the work in the paper in question to be
adequately well-explained and verifiable by others. Moreover, the
purpose of publication is so that others can base their work off of said
publication - something that is hindered or made impossible if all
details of methodology, e.g., source code in this instance, are not made
available including so that others may publish their own
work based on that work (something made impossible by source
code made available only under a non-disclosure agreement). In regard to
non-software copyrights, I approve of the policy of journals to not
publish anything regarding a protein structure unless it is in the
PDB, or involving a gene
unless it is in Genbank or
a similar database (and I have problems with the attempts of Swissprot
et al to copyright their databases - not that factual data, as opposed
to the collection of said data put together, is copyrightable under
present laws in any event). Similarly, I approve of journals that make
papers available to all (usually after some period of time - I
understand their need to recoup costs via subscriptions, although I
would prefer this to be done via page charges and advertisements), and
of scientists publishing their papers via their own websites (and plan
to avoid submitting work to journals that do not either make work
available for free after a year or so, or allow free publication by
authors online; this also should increase my "Impact Factor"
of citations of my work - I certainly prefer to cite material
which is freely available!). For some resources which are (usually) thus
freely available, see:
Note that links to journal articles via the latter two are also available
via PubMed, and the first is
a search index of articles freely available online.
My ultimate area of interest is the application of molecular genetics
(genetic engineering) to human beings. This includes gene therapy and
genetic enhancement, such as via nuclear transplantation (aka therapeutic
cloning) to produce genetically-altered embryonic stem cells, fetal
tissues, and fetal organs for implantation. (This area of research is
opposed by many religious
organizations. While I do not have a problem with their preaching what
they feel is right, so long as they are tolerant of other viewpoints,
many of them are not only intolerant but are unfortunately attempting -
and often succeeding - in forcing their views upon others via the
political process. It is possible that
I will need to go outside of the US (probably to Canada or the UK) in order to do this research; I hope
that this will not be the case. Incidentally, while some may question the
propriety of mentions of religion and politics on a page dealing with
my scientific research interests... if you believe that, for instance,
evolutionary biology can be separated from politics and religion, try
talking to a
Creationist. Religion
and politics also have quite a bit to do with why and, for the
former, how I do research in the first place. (In regard to
the latter, the scientific method does not specify how one comes up
with initial hypotheses for testing, except that optimally as much
already-available data as possible should be taken into account. The
of how the structure of carbon rings was initially hypothesized is a
clear example of how means (in that case dreaming) other than normally
acknowledged conscious rational thought can help in this.)
Below are some (more) links related to this, in semi-alphabetical order;
note that I do not necessarily agree with any viewpoints (on scientific
or other topics) expressed by the below pages. I also discourage the
use of any software available by the below links which is not
Open Source, at least for
published scientific research. (The algorithms used in scientific work
need to be published just as much as laboratory methods and results need
to be. These algorithms include, given possible coding errors and
heuristic shortcuts, the full source code of all such programs. We only
use Biosym/MSI/Accelrys' InsightII
software here for lack of good open-source alternatives.)
- /molbio/evolve directory
- /pub/protein/dirichlet directory
- /pub/mbg/AvgCore directory
- /pub/mbg/ProtEvol directory
- GDE for SGI
- Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood (PAML)
- ::: The American Journal of Bioethics
- The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD)
- Predicting regulons and their regulatory motifs by comparative genomics
- The Human Genome Organisation (HUGO)
- ASTRAL Home Page
- An Introduction to Fourier Theory
- BIMAS Supported Molecular Biology Software
- - Main page (bioperl)
- Rapid Translation System Homepage
- DELTA: DEscription Language for TAxonomy
- Michael Zuker's Home Page - RNA folding by energy minimization
- Yale Bioinformatics (Gerstein Group)
- Structural Alignments of Protein Sequences
- Tutorial on Alignment by Dynamic Programming
- Macromolecular Geometry - Gerstein group
- Extricating Protein Structure for Protein Structure Prediction
- Mark Gerstein's Home Page
- Packing - Gerstein
- Protein Science 7(2):445-456. Structural alignment
- Laboratory of Computational Genomics : People : Andrzej Kolinski
- Laboratory of Computational Genomics : People : Jeffrey Skolnick
- Introduction to Alignment Scoring Statistics
- BMERC, Links to related sites and online journals
- Responding First to Bioterrorism: Editor-selected Web resources for "First Responders" regarding bioterrorism and public safety, with a search engine of more than 3000 related Web pages.
- Bushmeat Project; Save the Great Apes; Chimps and Gorillas
- Cancer Research -- Reprint (PDF) Version: Grand et al. 59 (16):3870
- SAL- Parallel Computing - Programming Languages & Systems
- SAL- Scientific Data Processing & Visualization - Libraries - DrawP3D - PVM
- ResearchIndex: The NECI Scientific Literature Digital Library [Steve Lawrence, Kurt Bollacker, Lee Giles, NEC Research Institute]
- Molecular Modeling Of Proteins And Mathematical Prediction Of Protein Structure - Neumaier (ResearchIndex)
- Linking Patients to Medical Research
- Program in Molecular and Genetic Medicine - SeqNet
- Tooby and Cosmides' response to Gould
- Brenner Laboratory: Computational Genomics Research Group
- Steven E. Brenner Publications
- Parallel Programming In C For the Transputer.
- Structural Biology 228: Computational Structural Biology
- Twilight zone of protein sequence alignments (Rost)
- Protein fold recognition by prediction-based threading (Rost)
- Systematics Servers
- Jay Ponder Lab Home Page - PROPAK
- DIMACS Workshop and Working Group Meeting on Bioconsensus
- - Combining trees to combining data
- Sergey Gavrilets - Home Page at UTK - Speciation
- BFV Online: The Indexed Published Literature of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1509 - 1993
- - Tal Pupko
- LAMARC - estimating population parameters - population-level phylogeny
- PHYLIP Home Page
- Phylogeny Programs
- BBSRC Bioinformatics Supported Projects - Nautilus
- UCLA-DOE Fold Recognition Server
- The Math Forum - Math Library - Fourier/Wavelets
- GAMS : Class C3a ... Orthogonal polynomials
- PAPERS, Purdue's Adapter for Parallel Execution and Rapid Synchronization - via parallel port
- INFORMATION CENTER, NBCS - Thesis/Dissertation Style Guide
- MODELLER-4 manual
- MODELLER page at The Rockefeller University
- Parsimony Methods
- TreeBASE
- HighWire Press -- (no frames)
- Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems
- HMMER - profile hidden Markov models for sequence analysis
- BIRCH - Bioinformatics Resources
- Space Fungus
- ISMB 99
- ISMB 99 - Tutorial Program
- Dr. Homme W. Hellinga
- Tal Pupko
- 3D Protein Structure and Kinemage Home Page
- GCG - codon frequency tables
- GAlib: Matthew's Genetic Algorithms Library
- Jody Hey's Home Page
- A reduction of "Species" - Introduction
- Linkage Software List
- Perl as a tool for linkage analysis
- Retinal Degeneration in Choroideremia: Deficiency of Rab Geranylgeranyl Transferase
- OMIM ENTRY 203300 - HPS
- CCR: NIGMS HGCR: Submission Information
- CCR: NIGMS HGCR: DNA Polymorphism Discovery Resource
- CAME - Center of Applied Molecular Engineering (Sippl)
- Dr. Andrew K. Vershon
- Mesquite
- MMTSB - Tool Set
- The Brutlag Bioinformatics Group - Projects (EMOTIF et al)
- myGrid
- NMRCLUST - clustering structures to average
- Postdoc Network
- Postdoc Network
- HPC-Netlib High Performance Math Software - MPI
- NRG staff: Matthew Collins - Ancient Molecules
- CONTENTS: 2000 Volume 3, Issue 1 Palaeontologia Electronica
- cladestrat - Comparing cladograms with stratigraphy
- Paleontology Journals
- Jeff's Bio-Software Resources
- PDL Home page - Perl Data Language - Matrix Computation in Perl
- Free Software Leaders Stand Together
- MDR-15: Multi-Locus Genotype Patterns
- The RCSB PDB (Protein Data Bank)
- PDB file format guide
- SCOP: Structural Classification of Proteins - Berkeley
- teklaser
- Simulation and Modeling Research Group at the ISG
- expat - SourceForge: Project Filelist
- Welcome To Generic NQS
- SPRNG: Scalable Parallel Pseudo Random Number Generators Library - MPI
- The R Language - open-source SPlus
- 9. CPM 1998: Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
- Ancient Biomolecules
- StatLib---MacAnova Archive
- StatLib---XlispStat Archive
- Alex Gough's Home Page - Perl
- Tree of Life Web Project Home Page
- Green Plant Phylogeny Home Page: Deep Green
- Molecular Modeling of the Human A1 Adenosine Receptor
- Database selection - AceDB
- Computational Molecular biology at NIH
- Crystallography and Biocomputing Group
- MCS Software - Parallelization et al
- NEOS Guide: Optimization Software - Sequential Quadratic Programming
- SOL Optimization Software
- Human Genome Most Used Links
- Protein Structure Comparison & Prediction
- CABM NMR Software Page
- COGs - bioinformatics - clusters of orthologous proteins
- University of Illinois Pablo Project Home Page
- Message Passing Interface - programs and libraries
- Optimization Frequently Asked Questions
- Nonlinear Programming FAQ
- ROMIO: A High-Performance, Portable MPI-IO Implementation - runs on FreeBSD
- GenMAPP - Download Area
- Ancient molecules and human prehistory
- Frequently asked questions - Alzheimer's Disease International
- Chagnon Statement
- Welcome to Applied Parallel Research, Inc. - automatic fortran parallelization
- DAMPVM (Dynamic Allocation and Migration Parallel Virtual Machine)
- The Official MolScript Web Site
- Structural Biology Group: X-ray Crystallography
- Structural Biology Group: X-ray Crystallography
- CATH database of structural domains
- SSAP Server
- PROCHECK - protein structure checks
- Scoring Matrices for Homology Modeling
- ERR_WISE - Detection of Frameshift Sequencing Errors
- SEQERR - Detection of frameshift errors in coding regions
- ARPACK Home Page - eigenvector using MPI
- CAME - publications
- Albinism Database - Pigment Genes
- Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
- TUPL Home Page - Tokyo College/University of Pharmacy
- CCP4 Program Documentation
- CDC Antimicrobial Resistance
- Factor Analysis
- The Georgiou Laboratory -- Protein and Antibody Engineering -- Directed Evolution
- Enzyme Evolution
- In Vivo Protein Folding
- Marvel Symposium 2000 - ligand binding
- Computer Aided Chemistry and Biotechnology Software for SGI
- Professional gambling - Homology Modeling
- The DSSP program and database - note unfortunate license
- WHAT IF - uses DSSP for some processing
- WHATIF manual - chapter 23 - quality checks
- Cohen group's links to protein sites, databases, groups etc
- Batch Queueing Systems
- Multivariate Analysis for Ecologists: Lectures
- Kennewick Man--Boxberger chapter
- BIONJ: an improved version of the NJ algorithm
- Pseudosymmetry Search - Help
- Columbia Natural Language Processing Group
- Nan's Parallel Computing Page
- Home Page for Martin Farach-Colton
- Aztec_main: Aztec: A parallel iterative package for the solving linear systems arising in Newton-Krylov Methods
- A Library of Distributed-Memory Sparse Iterative Solvers
- Comp.Theory FAQ
- PLAPACK - Parallel Linear Algebra Package - MPI
- Conference Publications by Robert A. van de Geijn - Parallel Linear Algebra
- Scalable Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (sB_BLAS) - MPI
- Condor Project Homepage - load balancing
- Profile Description
- xalign
- DSRG Project: MIST - Migration and Integrated Scheduling Tools for Concurrent Processing Environments on Multiuser Heterogeneous Networks
- UCSC HMM Applications Main Page
- SAM: Sequence Alignment and Modeling System
- IDA Home Page - International Dark-Sky Association
- Services - DOE/UCLA - Eisenberg, Zhang, etcetera
- PDB3D Homepage
- Ezprot Class Library for Analysis of Protein Sequence and Structure (Frank Pettit)
- The BioCatalog
- Computational Mutation Expression Toolkit
- Scientific Computations Group Home Page - parallel computations on N-Body problems et al
- Protein structures evolve at random - almost
- PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine
- ERS Publications - Antibiotic Resistance
- NIFTY: Biological Query Form
- Backbone-dependent rotamer library webpage (dunbrack)
- Culling the PDB
- Therapeutic Cloning Petition:
- Ancient Biomolecules
- Ancient Biomolecules
- Software for GCG (mostly in perl)
- Concentration of DNA by ethanol precipitation
- Globus: Frequently Asked Questions (The Globus Project): Grid
- Globus: Details: Nexus Web - Parallel Computing
- ADAPTOR - Homepage - parallel-fortran to multiple-mode translator
- APUA - Drug Resistance Threatens to Reverse Medical Progress - WHO Report
- APUA: Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics
- PPS - Eukaryote rRNA gene transcription - Henry Brzeski
- MRC Human Genetics Unit - Chromosome Biology - Home Page
- IMBB - Sequencing Error Prediction
- Documentation for PUZZLE 4.0 - Maximum likelihood analysis for nucleotide, amino acid, and two-state data
- DEAMBULUM : Software for molecular biology
- Taguchi Methods
- NAMD Home Page - parallel (PVM) free version of X-PLOR's dynamics
- LAM / MPI Parallel Computing
- Cloning (Journal)
- SINCRIS software: ProFIT - Protein Fold Identification Tool
- Yamagishi web page?
- 42: Fourier analysis
- Scientific Computing FAQ: S.C., Numerical Analysis, and Associated Fields Resource Guide
- MCS Staff: Prof. Roger Fletcher - Quadratic Programming
- / S-PLUS (also S+SDK: embed into other programs)
- The MathWorks Inc. - Developers of MATLAB & Simulink
- MB&B Faculty: Mark Gerstein
- MB&B Faculty: Frederic Richards
- Fred Richards
- BioBM 631 - Proteins: Structure, Function and Dynamics
- MOLMOL and MIME Types
- Foo Fighters, HIV Deniers
- Code by Arvestad
- Algorithms for Biological Sequence Alignment
- NCBI Taxonomy Homepage
- Journal LinkOut Providers
- OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man - POMC
- PubMed medline query - Two genes are responsible for Griscelli syndrome at the same 15q21 locus.
- OMIM ENTRY 214450
- OMIM ENTRY 276903 - Usher
- Alroy in review, Paleobiology
- North American Fossil Mammal Systematics Database
- HeNCE (Heterogeneous Network Computing Environment)
- odrpack
- ScaLAPACK - MPI/PVM eigenvalue
- A Resource for Discovering Human DNA Polymorphisms
- NSF Middleware Initiative Home Page
- NMI Software Download
- Fourier Synthesis
- NuTech Solutions
- TM-30: Genetic Effects of Straying: Felsenstein
- The Omega Project for Statistical Computing
- The R/Splus-Perl Interface
- Bios 312 Day 2 Lab Protocols
- PARI-GP Central
- Molecular Biology on the Web : Biological Software
- Mammalian Artificial Chromosome Laboratory Dirk Schindelhauer
- Partners in Research: WWW Links and Resources
- DNA Electrophroesis
- Center for Evolutionary Psychology
- PubMed Central Home
- The R Home Page - statistical language
- Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
- RDS (Research Defence Society), understanding animal research in medicine
- Refactoring Home Page
- Gutell Lab - Comparative RNA Web Site Introduction
- Marine Flatworms of the World! - Introduction - rRNA
- The Sanger Centre : Informatics Software: Wise2
- Myoglobin
- Penn State Eberly College of Science -- Flamingo and Grebe
- MP_Lite main page - parallel computing library
- Metalloprotein Structure and Design Group: Main Page: Hellinga
- Public Domain Software from SDSC
- Anti-immunization scare: The inconvenient facts
- S.O.S. Math - Calculus - Fourier
- SEM: Introduction to structural equation modeling
- Stanford University - Morrison Institute - The Human Genome Diversity Project
- Stanford Hospital and Clinics Bioterrorism and Emergency Preparedness
- Stanford Hospital & Clinics Bioterrorism and Emergency Preparedness
- The PAL Project - Phylogenetic Analysis Library (Java)
- Estimation of evolutionary distance
- RIND Homepage
- Genetic Algorithms on Proteins - references
- Weight Matrices for Sequence Similarity Scoring
- Welcome to the Bioperl Project !
- TIGR Databases - The Institute for Genomic Research
- Thermotoga maritima MSB8 Information
- AAindex matrices
- ULB - UCMB: Developed Software : PROVE
- Phylogenetics Databases and Information
- EMBOSS Homepage - European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
- Kimball's Biology Pages
- UM Biophysics: Richard A. Goldstein - structure-specific amino acid matrices
- Group Publications - Goldstein - includes PDFs
- Index of /myconet
- Klaus Schittkowski: Software - Quadratic Programming
- Andreas Plückthun's - Antibody/Protein Engineering - Directed Evolution
- Animal Research Resources on the World Wide Web
- Overcoming Antimicrobial Resistance - WHO Report
- APA Publication Manual Crib Sheet
- CCSO Phonebook (Frederic M Richards)
- Nick Goldman home page
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I am not responsible for any pages linked from these, except for
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Structural Biology Computational Laboratory,
the Department of
Biochemistry and Microbiology,
Cook College,
or Rutgers Universityresponsible
for (or have any copyright on) pages that I have written. My webpages are
not official Rutgers
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Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.