My short-term research interest is in work making use of both my bioinformatics expertise, which - as seen in my dissertation titled Phylogenetics and Homology Modeling (Smith 2008) - ranges from database creation and usage to phylogenetics to network analysis to structural biology, and my experience and interest in "wet" lab work, including in a teaching and supervisory role. Areas of particular interest include:
The exact area - or areas - of research, and thus the research goals, will depend on the available facilities and the areas of interest of fellow researchers. Of particular interest to me is work at the intersection of more than one field, such as my dissertation research, which took advantage of both my and my advisor's respective areas of prior experience.
Frequently, fields of knowledge involve the areas of expertise of other fields; for this and other reasons, such interdisciplinary research, while sometimes more time-consuming, is more likely to generate novel and important results. Examples of interconnections - possible topics for interdisciplinary research - between the above areas include:
In the long term, my research interests, and thus research goals, are in human gene therapy and/or human embryonic stem cell therapy using genetically modified cells, with the latter either as a route for gene therapy - by repairing the genetic problem in the stem cells prior to further culturing and implantation - or to direct differentiation to a desired endpoint. Expansions in the more distant future of human stem cell work could include the usage of genetically modified and/or cloned fetal tissues and organs. Particularly of interest for me is the treatment of aging and the diseases associated with it. Other treatment areas of interest include brain injuries and mental illness.
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